What is Midsomer Norton’s High Street renewal programme?

The High Street renewal programme for Midsomer Norton includes a range of activities to improve the town centre and is an accumulation of different projects. The scheme aims to support sustainable economic & cultural growth on the high street, enhance local historic character making streets vibrant places. The programme will do this through physical works to buildings, including repair, reinstatement of lost features, public realm improvements and master planning.

The High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) project was recently completed, which sought to celebrate the history and heritage of Midsomer Norton. This project was the first major investment into Midsomer Norton and acted as a catalyst for further funding. The HSHAZ realised significant investment in the GII Listed Town Hall, the design of the Market Square, public realm enhancements, and working with local businesses to make shopfront and signage improvements.

The Market Square project, located at The Island, was envisaged as part of the HSHAZ project but is now a standalone project funded by the West of England Combined Authority, through the Love Our High Streets programme.

In addition to the above projects funding has been secured to undertake a masterplan exercise focused on Midsomer Nortons High Street. Further investment has been seen for Bath & North East Somerset Council and Midsomer Norton Town Council as match funding to the overall programme.

In addition to the HAZ scheme funding, match funding from B&NES, WECA, UKSPF, Midsomer Norton Town Council and Midsomer Norton Town Trust brings the total scheme value of the High Street Renewal Programme to just over £3.7m.


  • A new multi-use Market Square at The Island;
  • The reinstatement of the Market Hall at the Town Hall;
  • Repair and restoration of High Street shopfronts and signage;
  • Conservation Area and ‘heritage asset’ enhancements (e.g. improvements to the public realm and historic buildings); and
  • A Cultural Programme of community events and activities.
  • A Town Centre masterplan centered around the former Midsomer Norton Brewery buildings

The High Street renewal programme is overseen by a Steering Group, formed of local people (including residents, businesses and elected representatives), community stakeholders and funding organisations. The Steering Group currently comprises:

  • Senior Development Officer, B&NES Council
  • B&NES Ward Councillors for Midsomer Norton
  • Midsomer Norton Town Council, Officer and Councillor representation
  • Trust Manager, Midsomer Norton Community Trust
  • Trust Manager, Midsomer Norton Town Trust
  • Cultural Consortium Lead
  • Regeneration Manager, B&NES Council
  • Representative for High Street businesses (currently vacant due to winding down of Somer Valley Chamber of Commerce)
  • Representative for Community Working Group (currently vacant due to early stage of working group)

Where has the funding for the Midsomer Norton High Street renewal programme come from?

As a partnership programme, the Midsomer Norton High Street renewal programme is funded from a variety of sources. Key funders include Historic England, the West of England Combined Authority, B&NES Council and Midsomer Norton Town Council.

Each project within the programme has been funded differently but overall, we have aimed to leveraged external grant funding through competitive funding bids. These external funding sources are often allocated at the national or regional level for High Street regeneration projects and by being successful at bidding for these funds we have ensured public sector investment in Midsomer Norton.

The catalyst funding for the High Street renewal programme was the secured through the High Streets Heritage Action Zone Programme, a £95m government initiative overseen by Historic England and funded by the Department for Housing, Communities & Local Government. Following a successful funding bid made by B&NES Council and community stakeholders in 2020, Midsomer Norton was chosen as one of over 60 HSHAZ locations and awarded approximately £798,000 of this funding by Historic England. This funding has since increased to £888,000 following further successful bids.

The major source of project funding for the Market Square is from the West of England Combined Authority’s ‘Love Our High Streets’ Fund. Provisionally allocated in 2018 and now being utilised to deliver the Market Square this funding totals £1.7m for the redevelopment of The Island.

Other match funding for the project is provided by B&NES Council. This totals £437,000 predominantly this has been sourced from the Community Infrastructure Levy which is levied by the local authority on new development in the area to help deliver infrastructure improvements. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund has generously donated £450,000 toward the Town Hall. Midsomer Norton Town Council are showing support for the project by providing £45,000 of funding.
The overall total for the Midsomer Norton High Street renewal is therefore in the region of £3.7m.

Separate but complementary initiatives also link in the with HSHAZ aims and objectives. These projects include the European Regional Development Fund’s ‘Welcome Back’ initiative and the B&NES Vacant Units Action Project which is funded by WECA’s Recovery Fund.

Market Square

The Island has suffered from underinvestment for many years but contractors are now on site to deliver a new Market Square for Midsomer Norton.

Town Hall

The Grade II Listed Town Hall is currently undergoing a £1.5m renovation that will restore the Victorian Market Hall.


We are working with local businesses to deliver much needed investment in the High Street. A number of shopfront and signage improvements have already been undertaken with more planned.

Cultural Programme

Community activities are central to life in Midsomer Norton. See how we plan to support arts, culture and events on the High Street.