Market Hall Reinstatement Project at the Town Hall

The Ground Floor of the Town Hall as existing
The Ground Floor of the Town Hall as proposed
Artist's impression of the reinstated Market Hall (PH3 Design)

What are the Market Hall Reinstatement works?
The Town Hall is a Grade II listed building dating from 1859 which has been used for a variety of purposes over time. This has resulted in the subdivision of the ground floor into small offices and rooms which are now unfit for purpose.

£585,000 is allocated for the reinstatement of the Market Hall (Phase 1). This funding is provided by Historic England (£264,000), B&NES Council (£380,000), UK Shared Prosperity Fund (£330,000) and Midsomer Norton Town Council (£25,000).

The restoration of the Market Hall is currently underway and the contractors, Artelia ANG, have been working to remove the modern subdivisions from the Town Hall to reveal the original Market Hall space, install a new structural steel framework to support the assembly room floor and begin works to reinstate the grandeur of the building.

What will happen after the HSHAZ Project?

The proposed Phase 2 works for the Town Hall are completely separate from the Market Hall Reinstatement (Phase 1) and HSHAZ Project funding. They are however expected to follow soon after Phase 1 subject to successful fundraising. These works relate to the construction of a new side extension for the Town Hall and the refurbishment of its upper floors.